In today’s world of security both Governments and the Private Sector Individuals, Corporations and Business cannot just look at traditional security sensing devices. TRMG has the availability of a wide variety of “sensors” whether they are CBRNE, Critical Control sensors monitoring Oil and Gas extraction and delivery or X-Ray Scanners at our Ports and Border crossings. There are many sensor devices that can be utilized to prevent terrorism and secure our Nation. The difficulty in the past has been taking all of the information from these sensors and processing them through one “Unified System” and processing them into usable data for the protection of our Nation.
With technology advancements TRMG can apply any “Commercial off the Shelf” (COTS) sensors, no matter what they are and what they monitor and control, and interface them through a single system that provides ease of use and programmability. The technology now exists that is agnostic to the device and manufacturer, this allows the governing authority to monitor all devices tied in to the S.E.N.S.E. network to be viewed and monitored by trained professionals to respond to any given situation through the “Rules Based” architecture of the front end software. The engine that drives the S.E.N.S.E. network provides all pertinent information and response scripts at one or many command centers.
Plainly speaking all existing sensor devices from both Government and Private Industry can be utilized to build a safety net throughout our Nation. The technology behind all of the integration is called G.A.M.E.S. (Global Accessibility Monitoring Exchange System). This software acts as a virtual “Switch Board” directing all pertinent information to the proper command center that secures any given site.
In the past Video Recording has had a huge impact on our lives. Cameras are used for memorializing important events, and to provide security for all types of Government facilities to businesses and convenience stores to huge office complexes. Now, not only cameras can provide important “Real Time” data but so can any other Sensor device. This advancement will now make cameras even more intelligent providing them information as to “what to look at” and to verify events while they are occurring, as well as providing a forensic tool that involves less searching for events that have already taken place.
With events of September 11th in mind, Facility Security in all shapes and forms has become one of the truly hot issues facing Governments, Institutions and Business around the World. While this is currently a high visibility issue in the USA, it represents an issue that has long plagued Governments, Facility Managers and Businesses Worldwide, and there is now a clear recognition that something needs. "Critical infrastructure are the assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, public health or safety, or any combination thereof." - Department of Homeland Security
Many technologies are used to protect critical infrastructure. In this webinar, we will discuss how thermal infrared imaging is being used for surveillance to better enable critical infrastructure protection. The session will include a brief overview of the vast infrastructure areas that must be protected, an introduction to thermal infrared technology and thermal imaging cameras, a quick comparison to other sensors -- visible cameras and image intensified devices -- and examples of infrastructure protection schemas.
You will learn how infrared thermal imaging systems can greatly enable infrastructure protection. With an infrared thermal imaging system -- gimbaled, multiple field of view (FOV) -- the operator will be able to:
- Detect and possible identify vehicle and pedestrian traffic in unauthorized areas [with wide FOV];
- See through rain, snow, fog and smoke;
- Excellent operation both day and night;
- Bypass the limitations of visible cameras and image intensified devices. (night, upset gain control, image blooming). To be done to strengthen the “Security Environment” for people in their business and leisure surroundings.
Surveillance devices and Sensors are common today and are used as a proven method for protection and risk management, a “Force Multiplier”. Traditionally, the Video Security and Surveillance market has been dominated by analogue cameras and recording devices (tape recording), technologically limited distribution means, and non-interactive display systems. With the advent of faster, less expensive computer systems, analogue is giving way to “Digital Surveillance” the “Safe Nation” , which uses streaming video and sensor telemetry technologies, multi-function open source software, and high compression capabilities to overcome traditional barriers truly creating a “Force Multiplier (One Law Enforcement Officer or Security Guard to have the ability to act as many). Digital and Analog Surveillance sensors and cameras can be monitored by local and wide area networks, including the Internet, to safeguard the populous and assets, whether Government or Private.
TRMG has the core expertise to implement the methodology of S.E.N.S.E. and G.A.M.E.S. due to the fact that the relationships with the Partners necessary to bring this to fruition already exist. The Founders relationships with these Partners will provide an unprecedented spirit of cooperation, through LOI’s and MOU’s, to private labeled products and services. With the plan to acquire Princeton Gama Technologies (PGT) TRMG will be a powerful performer in the security arena with the ability to move in an agile manner in order to find and respond to and secure “Sole Source” projects as well as Bid situations.
TRMG is comprised of Subject Matter Experts in the following practices:
CBRNE (Chemical/Biological/Radiological/Nuclear/Explosive) Detection
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
Cyber Security (Software & Hardware)
Access Control
C.C.T.V. (Closed Circuit Television)
Physical Security
Personal Protection
AML (Anti Money Laundering)
Business Development
Project Management
Service Level Contracts
This section will memorialize all of the vulnerabilities in an effort to assist and protect our clients in better, and the potential for the protection of our clients security marketplace. TRMG has "Core Competency" towards CBRNE and the inter-operability of sensor systems to provide monitoring bodies to acquire the necessary data to “Detect & Protect” in contrary to the current methodology of silos of information that requires the monitoring bodies to “try” to communicate with each other when a threat becomes imminent. There are a number of areas of concentration within CBRNE.
Chemical Weapons (CW), Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICS) and Toxic Industrial Materials (TIMS) detection is afforded via both area and point detection technologies. An early warning system of CBRNE events is also triggered via advanced surveillance techniques. This is accomplished via video imagery analysis. The video analysis is capable of being incorporated into most video surveillance systems already deployed without any changes. The integrated capability of imagery analysis and detection methods affords the highest degree of both security and detection.
Biological Weapons (BW) protection is afforded via a proactive means via destruction. The first stage system is an ionization and filtration method. This does not employ HEPA filters. By not using HEPA filters the benefits are very apparent by overcoming the high life cycle costs, safety and performance issues associated with using HEPA type filters. The second stage is a more efficient and effective filtration and KILL zone. The combination of these technologies and techniques will KILL most biological. This novel approach is much more effective versus detection alone. By killing and filtering over 99% of those species which can lead to FALSE alarms on “detect to warn” BW detectors the reduction of these false alarms makes both ConOps and confidence an easier task. The third stage is comprised of an anomaly detect to warn type system. This is used as a “trigger” for conformational sample collection and analysis.
Over the years the term: the “Immune” building has been coined and used. We have coined and use a new term: the “Vaccinated” building.
Radiological and Nuclear (RAD/NUC) detection is accomplished via state of the art Gamma and/or Neutron detectors allowing both the detection and identification of radiation sources from both threats and non-threats.
Explosives detection is via vapor sampling, particle swipes and also via various standoff methods.
All of the above are integrated solutions and are networked, any and all data is monitored on-site and/or remotely. In addition systems can be integrated into buildings in both an overt an/or covert manner.
The Rapid Deployment capability of TRMG allows our staff to empower monitoring entities to detect and protect in any area or event.
TRMG intends to use a majority of truly Inter-Operability system allowing a ”All Sensors on One System” (ASoS) platform.
The ONVIF Standard
The global security and surveillance market is at a landmark stage as, finally, a “standard” for IP video is really gaining traction in the market. ONVIF can boast nearly 800 conformant products as of spring 2011, and it has clearly left the other competing standard, PSIA, far behind. This was most apparent at an interoperability demonstration at ISC West in April 2011. The ONVIF event was buzzing, with more than 200 visitors, while the PSIA event attracted only a small number of people.
It is clear that ONVIF is on the way to being the de-facto standard for IP-based surveillance products, and open standards in the IP security market are here to stay. ONVIF also is being incorporated into the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) standard for video surveillance systems and, once ratified, will mean that ONVIF is a true international standard.
ONVIF provides the common language that enables IP security products from a diverse range of manufacturers to work together. Rather than defining just a media data format like H.264, ONVIF encompasses system control; for example, it defines how the video management system asks a camera to start and stop a video stream or move to a particular position.
Although initially focused on video, including cameras, analytics and NVRs, ONVIF is being extended to include access control. If this is also adopted by the market, it will be a substantial achievement, as the access control market is even more proprietary and fragmented than video was.
As the market moves toward the adoption of an open standard like ONVIF, the end user can expect to see a number of benefits:
Increased flexibility and greater freedom of choice.
More sophisticated and differentiated VMS features.
Confidence that their investment is secure as it is possible to replace or upgrade parts of the system as required.
Less integration costs -- end users can choose the most suitable combination of IP-based physical security products, regardless of vendor.
Because of these benefits, many tenders and RFPs are specifying that solutions must be ONVIF-conformant. However, at this stage in the game, it must come with a health warning. Plug-and-play interoperability of ONVIF products will take time to achieve, as the standard settles down, and in the meantime there will be some “teething” issues.
End-to-End Solutions
End-to-end solutions can also incorporate special features such as advanced real-time analytics in the camera and bandwidth-saving capability that are not supported within the ONVIF standard. Consequently, end-to-end solutions can often outperform multi-vendor ONVIF systems. End-to-end may have strong benefits; however, in the past this came with a drawback that users were locked in to a proprietary system; however with our G.A.M.E.S. and S.E.N.S.E. architecture interoperability is no longer a question.
TRMG provides robust solutions earlier as they will need to test and certify a range of sensors, cameras and other systems to demonstrate their connectivity, unlike the management software providers who use the proprietary drivers. One suspects because vendors might also prefer end users to continue using the proprietary protocols, their sales pitch is to support any manufacturer.
The end user can therefore get the best of both worlds by choosing an end-to-end solution. End users will be able to mix third-party products we provide and are designed to work in the end-to-end system.
TRMG believes that its management team has unique experience gathered in a wide array of venues including Government, Fortune 500 companies and International Operations, early stage companies, logistics, finance and accounting. The ability of TRMG to bring American management principles, a strong marketing focus, significant global leading technology to the operations in the security marketplace is a competitive advantage.
TRMG has the infrastructure, labor, low operating costs and a stable business environment conducive to business operations. TRMG believes that its Subject Matter Experts have significant experience in their perspective areas of specialty to assist our clients survive in this new world of security. TRMG also believes that its Advisory Board of experienced professionals in security technology, worldwide best practices and sustainability bring resources essential to our clients specific needs.
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